MakeDeals&Coupons is dedicated to protecting our users’ information. We automatically collect data from our users. MakeDeals&Coupons protects the privacy of personal information that’s stored on its site. We do not sell or rent your personal information to anyone
If you choose to register with us, we request that you provide us with certain personal information. This information is for official use only and will not be provided to unauthorised individuals. We focus on providing the minimal amount of information required to our users. Our online surveys sometimes require a contact or hobby information, and our contests ask for contact information. Similarly, this information will only be shared with our friends and will not be used for any outside purposes.
When you are viewing MakeDeals&Coupons, you should be aware that other sites can be accessed that are beyond our control. The web site at hand has different privacy policies, and each one is different from the other. The privacy policies and practices of any websites and services not owned and operated by MakeDeals&Coupons and its affiliates are beyond our control. You are held responsible for knowing and abiding by all privacy policies posted by any and all websites you visit. Other sites may use cookies to track the pages you visit, or to collect information about you. Always check where you are on the Internet.
By visiting this site, you have agreed to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms, then we request that you do not use our site. If you continue to use our site following these changes, you agree to them. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
MakeDeals&Coupons employees recognize your right to privacy and are dedicated to protecting your sensitive personal information. By utilizing our site, we gather information that helps us provide you with a superior online experience. Once you register, we’ll ask you to set up an account. This includes your name, e-mail address, and other information. In addition, please inform us whether you would like to be kept informed by MakeDeals&Coupons or sponsors or partners about news or features.
We protect your accounts from unauthorized access and information release. Personally identifiable information is NOT given, sold, rented, or loaned to anyone, unless legally required to do so. We may share non-personal, aggregate, or summary data, and will not share personal data with third parties.